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Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA)

Many women trying to conceive through IVF fail the egg implantation process, even when embryos appear healthy and the uterine cavity looks normal. Chances are that they are having an underlying problem related to the endometrium(the inner lining of the uterus). Recent studies have discovered that while the quality of embryos is an important factor, the receptivity of the uterus also plays a significant role in deciding the fate of the IVF cycle. It is believed that majority of embryos are transferred when lining is non-receptive and this leads to failure.

What is ERA test ?

Endometrial Receptivity Array(ERA) not only measures the receptivity of the uterus, but also helps determine the exact time for embryo transfer which offers the best chance of success. This genetic test monitors the cyclical pattern of 238 different genes and determines a personalized window of implantation for each patient.

Who should use ERA test ?

The ERA test is recommended for :-

Patient who have suffered recurrent IVF failures with high quality embryos. A diplaced window of implantation is detected in approximately 25% of the patients.

Increases the chances of getting pregnant after an IVF cycle.

What is the process ?

To perform this analysis, it is necessary to take an endometrial biopsy from women in their natural cycle or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) cycle, at a time corresponding to the phase of endometrial receptivity.

Te endometrial biopsy is a very simple, painless procedure. The sample is analysed in labs and  exact timing of transfer is calculated. The Touch Clinic is the most advanced centre for IVF and ERA. These procedures are routinely performed here and has benefited many couples to have a healthy pregnancy.