Not sure if egg freezing works as good as fresh eggs? Well, it does, just ask any trusted fertility centre in India and they will vouch for its success. Preserving your eggs is a great option for you if you want to keep a backup plan for fertility in the future. However, there have many rumors in the industry about this fertility approach that often makes women feel hesitant to go for it. Let’s thaw those myths by putting a limelight on the factors:
Myth #1: Egg Freezing is An Experimental Procedure
Egg freezing has been around for the past many decades and is being used successfully for fertility. Don’t get caught in a myth that this technique is experimental because it’s not a new procedure for specialists, so there’s nothing to be worried about. Over time, egg freezing has become quite safe and effective with the emergence of vitrification. Nowadays, you have the leverage to delay your pregnancy until the time you feel it right to have a baby. A reliable test tube baby centre in Mohali could help you in that.
Myth #2: Age is Not A Factor For Egg Freezing
Have you ever come across this myth? You might be delaying your pregnancies to the late 40s, thinking that you can get pregnant at any stage. But wait, keep aside those rumors that say egg freezing works at any age. Though there is no hard and fast rule for getting your test tube baby within a specific age bar, but doctors recommend it to be done before you attain the age of 35 years. This is to ensure great results as younger your egg, the better the chances of getting pregnant.
Myth #3: Freezing Your Eggs Takes Years And is A Invasive Process
Visit best IVF doctor in Mohali and he will bust out this myth that’s dominating your thoughts for a long time. The candidate has to undergo a range of treatments that prepare her better for retrieving eggs. It may take two weeks or even more to retrieve the eggs from the candidate but it’s worth waiting. The process is not at all invasive as you might have heard. The whole procedure can be done using just mild anesthesia.
By now, a majority of the myths about eggs freezing that you have heard might have got busted. Believing in those rumors is good for nothing. It’s a safe way to get your eggs secured for future pregnancies using IVF treatment. If you foresee your future getting busy with your career or education goals, it’s best to freeze your eggs now before time runs out. Contact best IVF centre in Mohali, The Touch Clinic that is a pioneer in freezing eggs and test tube baby procedure. Call us now to get started.