Sometimes during the IVF treatment, the egg implantation process fails even when using a healthy embryo and even when the uterine cavity seems to be normal and ready for the embryo. In such cases, the problem could be caused by underlying endometrium (inner uterus lining) problems. Endometrial receptivity Array (ERA) is essential in such cases for a successful embryo implantation.
What is uterus receptivity?
If the uterus is receptive, it means that it is prepared and can accept embryo implantation. Endometrial receptivity and embryo transfer must be synchronized for the implantation to be successful. If the two are not perfectly synchronized, the implantation may fail.
What is the ERA test?
Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) is an advanced medical test used to determine how receptive the uterus is with regard to the embryo. The test also helps to establish the precise time when the embryo should be transferred which altogether increases the likelihood of a successful implantation. ERA helps in analyzing the expression levels of 238 genes which are associated with the endometrial receptivity.
Who should use the ERA test?
The ERA test can be used by several women who have recurrent pregnancy failures even after using healthy embryo during the embryo transfer in an IVF therapy. This test identifies the cause of the implantation failure in these women and the doctor can use the results to recommend the effective treatment. It has been proven to be effective when used by:
Young women (with less than 37 years) who have more than 3 embryo implantation failures.
Older women (with more than 37 years) who have more than 2 embryo implantation failures.
Many of these patients (about 25%) show a displaced period of implantation.
An effective ERA test requires advanced equipment and facilities. The Touch Clinic is the best IVF center in Punjab which offers the most affordable IVF treatment cost in India. They have state-of-the-art IVF laboratories and experienced infertility doctor. This should be a guarantee of the best care that they provide. You can access their services by visiting them in section 66, Mohali, Punjab, India.