


STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE  (SUI) is a commonly found problem amongst women. 35% of women over the age of 60 years suffer from Urinary Incontinence. It is caused by damage top pelvic support structures as a result of childbirth. Stress Incontinence is often seen in women who have had more than one pregnancy and vaginal delivery. This result in leakage of small amount of urine with activities like coughing, sneezing, lifting etc.

What causes SUI?

The loss of Collagen fibers firmness leads to structural changes in the vaginal and urethral area, this phenomenon can cause reduction in sexual fulfilment in addition to stress urinary Incontinence at different. One feels embarrassed, isolated and limit their work and social life, especially exercise and leisure activities. Some people wrongly think that incontinence is a normal part of ageing or that it cannot be treated.

How it troubles you?

Many people do not tell their doctor about their incontinence. One feels embarrassed, isolated and limit their work and social life, especially exercise and leisure activities. Some people wrongly think that incontinence is a normal part of ageing or that it cannot be treated. This is unfortunate, as most cases can be successfully treated and significantly improved.

Advantages of laser therapy for SUI 

  • This procedure is painless, bloodless and stitchless.
  • Proven technology for Safe,accurate and effective results
  • Lunch break procedure at the Gynecology clinic (15 – 20 min) , in friendly envoirnment.
  • Long lasting results.
  • No need for anesthesia

How to treat SUI?

Non-invasive laser treatment corrects mild to moderate degree of STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE (SUI )

It has been  observed that treatment with CO2 laser is highly effective for the treatment of SUI. In addition, significant improvement in all those patients who reported vaginal laxity  is observed. Fractional Co2 laser treatment for female SUI is a safe procedure with no side effects that can be done as a short office procedure. 87.9% of the patients  have reported subjective improvement in SUI symptoms and there is 80% reduction of pad use. Patients who have symptoms of vaginal dryness and dyspareunia also show improvement.


The fractional CO2 laser energy restores the pelvic floors and counteracts the sagging urethra,which in turn fights Incontinence. The Laser  energizes the vaginal layers and induces Collagen and Elastine contraction and regeneration of these proteins in the long run.

  • Proven technology for Safe,accurate and effective results
  • Pain free Vaginal remodelling and stress urinary Incontience.
  • Lunch break procedure at the Gynecology clinic (15 – 30 min).
  • Long lasting results.
  • No need for anaesthetics

This procedure is painless,bloodless and stitchless.

How many laser sittings are recommended for optimal results?

Each patient experiences a different level of vaginal laxity, but three treatments spaced about four weeks apart is  recommended for optimal results. Additionally, one maintenance treatment every year thereafter is recommended.

What can women expect after the femilift treatment?

The enhanced vaginal tone promotes lubrication and blood circulation which improves sexual stimulation. Women that were suffering from urinary incontinence often see an improvement in their symptoms that can be significant enough to forgo corrective surgery.

Who can benefit from the medical benefits of the femilift?

  • Women experiencing urinary incontinence.
  • Women experiencing dyspareunia (painful sex).
  • Women experiencing atrophic vaginitis (vaginal atrophy) due to menopause or in patients undergoing treatment for carcinoma breast.
  • Postpartum women experiencing vaginal laxity after childbirth.
  • Any woman looking for enhanced sexual sensation, for both herself and her partner.

When can patients resume normal activity after the femilift procedure?

Patients can resume normal activity immediately after the laser treatment. Patients should not have vaginal Intercourse or within four days after treatment or longer if instructed by the medical provider.